Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa) |
Desert Milkweed (Asclepias subulata) |
Pineleaf Milkweed (Asclepias linaria) |
Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) with Caterpillar |
Horsetail Milkweed (Asclepias subverticillata) |
Jackrabbit Nursery
Buckeye: (623) 386-4700
Asclepias subulata
Cave Creek
Black Mountain Nursery
Cave Creek: (480) 448-6548
Asclepias subulata
Verde River Growers
Cottonwood: (928) 639-0122
Asclepias linaria, A. tuberosa
Native Plant and Seed
Flagstaff: (928) 773-9406
Plants: Asclepias tuberosa and Asclepias asperula
Seeds: Asclepias tuberosa, A. speciosa and A. subverticillata
Borderlands Restoration
Patagonia: (520) 882-8202
Asclepias subulata, A. angustifolia, A. tuberosa, A. asperula & other species
Ascelpias asperula
Phoenix Area
A&P Nurseries
Gilbert: (480) 892-7939
Mesa: (480) 839-5362
Asclepias subulata
Arizona Cactus Sales
Chandler: (480) 963-1061
Asclepias subulata
Cactus Store
Phoenix: (602) 305-9275
Seeds: Asclepias tuberosa, A. speciosa, A. incarnata
Desert Horizon Nursery
Queen Creek: (480) 987-3308
Asclepias erosa
Moon Valley Nurseries
Eight locations in the greater Phoenix area.
Phone numbers on web link.
Asclepias subulata
Summer Winds Nursery
Four stores in Phoenix/Mesa. Phone numbers on web link
Asclepias subulata
Treeland Nurseries
Mesa: (480) 497-2525
Asclepias subulata
Whitfill Nursery
Three stores in Phoenix and Gilbert. Phone numbers on web link
Asclepias subulata
Prescott Area
Mortimer Nursery
Prescott: (928) 776-8000
Asclepias incarnate & others
Native Garden
Prescott: (928) 237-5560
Seeds/plants Asclepias speciosa, A. tuberosa
Prescott Valley Nursery
Prescott Valley: (928) 772-0878
Plants Asclepias tuberosa, A. incarnata
Seeds Asclepias asperula
Terrior Seeds
Chino Valley: (888) 878-5247
Seeds only: Asclepias asperula
The Gila Native Plant Nursery
Contact: steve.plath@gwpaz.org
Asclepias subulata, A. angustifolia and Funastrum cynanchoides
Boyce Thompson Arboretum
Superior: (520) 689-2723
Asclepias linaria (more species at seasonal plant sales)
Tucson Area
Civano Nursery
Tucson: (520) 546-9200
Asclepias subulata
Desert Survivors
Tucson: (520) 791-9309
Several Asclepias species
Spadefoot Nursery
Tucson: (520) 909-3619
Tohono Chul
7366 North Paseo del Norte
Tucson: (520) 742-6455
Asclepias angustifolia, A. linaria and A. subulata
Mesquite Valley Growers
Tucson: (520) 721-8600
Asclepias subulata, A. angustifolia, A. tuberosa, A. linaria, A. asperula
Native Seed SEARCH
3584 E. River Road
Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 622-0830
Asclepias and nectar seeds
Wildlands Restoration
2946 N. Castro Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85705
(520) 882-0969
Asclepias and nectar seeds
Mail order
Luca Micaela Nursery
Vista, CA: (760) 410-8640
Asclepias tuberosa, A. erosa, A. eriocarpa, A. speciosa, A. fascicularis & more
Mail order
Luca Micaela Nursery
Vista, CA: (760) 410-8640
Asclepias tuberosa, A. erosa, A. eriocarpa, A. speciosa, A. fascicularis & more
Carson City
Nevada Monarch Society
Carson City: (775) 338-3841
http://nvmonarchs.org/Asclepias fascicularis, A. speciosa
Carson City
Washoe State Nursery
Carson City: (775) 849-0213
Asclepias fascicularis, A. speciosa
(Planning Asclepias tuberosa, A. cordifolia in the future)
Comstock Seed
Gardnerville: (775) 265-0090
Seeds: Asclepias fascicularis, A. speciosa
Las Vegas
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE)
Master Gardener Program
8050 Paradise Rd # 105, Las Vegas, NV 89123
Las Vegas: (702) 257-555
Free native milkweed seeds for residential and public purposes: Asclepas subulata, A. erosa, A. speciosa
Note: On site pick up only during Master Gardener office hours
Mail order
Luca Micaela Nursery
Vista, CA: (760) 410-8640
Asclepias tuberosa, A. erosa, A. eriocarpa, A. speciosa, A. fascicularis & more
Albuquerque, Santa Fe
Plants of the Southwest
Albuquerque (505) 344-8830
Santa Fe (505) 438-8888
A. tuberosa, A. speciosa & more coming soon
(See website for mail order)
Silver City
Lone Mountain Natives
Silver City: (575) 538-4345
A. tuberosa, A. subverticillata, A. speciosa
Progressive Plants
Copperton: (801) 565-7333
Salt Lake City
Growing Empire
Salt Lake City: (801) 685-7099
Salt Lake City
Western Gardens
Salt Lake City: (801) 364-7871
West Jordan
Glover Nursery
West Jordan: (801) 562-5496
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